About BeScience
Founded in 2016, BeScience STEM is a passionate, nationwide social enterprise striving to make a difference in the lives of young people and to increase their understanding and access to STEM Careers. Our team works with schools and educational institutions to deliver impactful STEM experiences each year.

The Story

1. The Struggle
During secondary school, Jessica was in the frustrating position of being extremely interested in the sciences yet struggling to get good grades in them. She felt unsupported by her teachers, who told her that she was simply not gifted in these subjects.
2. Breaking the Glass Ceiling
After being predicted an E for GCSE Maths and U for the Sciences, she knew that she needed to do something to improve her academic prospects. She decided that if she wanted to do well, she would simply have to find a way of making these subjects accessible to her. And she did… at home, she created projects and approached problems from different angles to break down hard modules. As the topics increasingly began to make sense, she realised that she was not untalented but simply learnt in a different way to her peers. She achieved an A* in Maths, along with 5As and 5Bs.
3. The Ah Ha Moment
She began to realise how necessary it was to figure out individual styles of learning through innovative and creative styles of teaching and having someone patient enough to teach. “I realised that it wasn’t about being born with the ‘smart gene’ or being naturally good or bad
at a subject.”
4. Birthing
She set out to provide this experience to children, through BeScience STEM, the company which she designs and delivers entertaining STEM workshops for different audiences.
3. The Ah Ha Moment
She began to realise how necessary it was to figure out individual styles of learning through innovative and creative styles of teaching and having someone patient enough to teach. “I realised that it wasn’t about being born with the ‘smart gene’ or being naturally good or bad
at a subject.”
4. Birthing
She set out to provide this experience to children, through BeScience STEM, the company which she designs and delivers entertaining STEM workshops for different audiences.
What we do
Our programs focus on helping young people network, access learning and industry opportunities and pave a future career in STEM.
We work with renowned industry partners to build links between educators and industry leaders. This enhances young people’s understanding of the industry while also helping organisations reach talent and connect with young people across the UK.
- Events
- Workshops
- Consultations
- Resources
- Events
- Workshops
- Consultations
- Resources
As part of our #1MillintoSTEM campaign, we run engaging STEM-focused programs that serve as platforms for young people to learn about careers within the STEM industry. View our podcast and E-Magazines that cover our past events here
There is more than one way to make a difference. Whether you would like to volunteer, collaborate, donate or become a corporate partner, you have the power to transform the lives of young people across the world! Find out more here.