“Opportunities are endless, once you show interest, apply yourself, and have a good work ethic, you can go into any sphere you want to go into”.
Jessica Okoro, founder of BeScience is in conversation with Isaac Alawode. Isaac shares the story of his life, the passion for football, aspirations and importantly the lessons he learned
Segment 1: Back to the future
Isaac grew up in a multicultural society in West London, he had keen interests in space and air travel. The teachers at Twyford Church of England school where he studied instilled discipline and enthusiasm. He accounts that, it is because of those proactive teachers he developed an inclination towards Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Geography. His parents on the other hand were supportive and liberal allowing him to pursue his passion. He recalls, how the work experience in a supermarket, hospital, and at a fundraiser call center helped him to build communication skills and mold his perception of the world. Contemplating a failure to secure an apprenticeship position, Isaac cites that he was “redirected not rejected”.
Segment 2: The game changer segment:
To quench his passion for space and travel, Isaac shares that he enrolled in MEng Aeronautical Engineering at Brighton. His course syllabus had a blend of theory and practical which gave him an edge to enter Collins. In Collins, he rotated in schemes that involved cost-cutting, continuous improvement, and operational support. He currently is a part of actuators which are the controlling units of airplane wings. He finds his career fulfilling as he is pursuing his interest ” “development of aircrafts”.
He is committed to developing his talent and aspires to progress through the organizational ladder at Collins.
Segment 3: Good, Bad and Ugly:
Isaac shares an anecdote; when he had joined Collins, he faced several challenges. The biggest one among them all is the information. As he was not aware of the proceedings of the corporate world, everything seemed new and distinct. He effectively coped up by asking questions to his mentors/peers/ seniors. He took notes diligently and referred to them over and over again. The communications skills which he gained have helped him to connect to people of all age groups.
He is grateful to his graduation manager who helped him mold, connecting him to diverse people who share amazing experiences. Building one’s skill set, effectively communicating to people, and understanding that every wrong decision has a potential lesson is a mantra he follows.